Non-profits and new players in the rental real estate market – the ultimate checklist
The main advice to anyone contemplating a move into this form of commercial real estate is the same as in any other major business undertaking: do your homework.
The main advice to anyone contemplating a move into this form of commercial real estate is the same as in any other major business undertaking: do your homework.
One of the City of Vancouver’s most important rental districts has a vacancy rate of just 0.5% – a negative result of our citywide crisis of housing affordability.
From everyone at Goodman Commercial, we are hoping you are off to a happy and healthy start to 2023! With 2022 behind us, we’re pleased to share market insights, deal highlights and much more in our Year-End Review.
When it comes to housing, we’ve done one thing well in B.C.—figure out who to blame for our failures.
This fall, British Columbians saw leadership changes in both municipal and provincial governments. Making good on what they’ve said they’ll do will be intriguing to watch.
With 2022 drawing to a close, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity this season and in the year ahead. Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We receive so many thoughtful responses to our articles, the statistics we offer, and the listings and sales we have the privilege to be part of. Unique challenges … Continued
Solving Canada’s housing crisis shouldn’t require more than a single lesson in economics. When prices are high, a free market always responds and supplies more. Yet amidst Canada’s severe problems of housing affordability, this foolproof mechanism is continually...
We at Goodman Commercial were honoured to sponsor the live auction at Arts Umbrella’s Splash, an annual art auction with proceeds providing youth across Metro Vancouver access to programming in the visual and performing arts.
Your questions, our answers
Goodman Report In June this year, we described the headwinds challenging rental housing providers and builders as they try to deliver new rental housing. The scarcity of purpose-built rental in B.C. is well-known, resulting from decades of depressed construction and a shortage of policies incentivizing delivery. A short-lived break from the near 0% vacancy rate … Continued