Institutional investors: A new housing affordability bogeyman?
By Andrey Pavlov, Ph.D., Goodman Report
By Andrey Pavlov, Ph.D., Goodman Report
Why we believe rental housing remains the most steadfast asset class for real estate investors in the “new normal” environment that we are now entering.
The lowdown on REITs and other corporate investors. Plus: Proposed strategy would give B.C. housing nonprofits $500 million to boost buying power
Over the last weeks, many of our readers have sent us questions about the rental market. So here in our 2020 Mid-Year Review, we offer you our responses and insights: Multifamily outlook: Why rental is still the most steadfast asset class Cap rates continuing low Looking back and forward: Is today like the 2008 recession? Rental … Continued
For civic leaders there is a route through this crisis, but it requires innovative thinking and a reversal of tired policies. This time of introspection opens a door.
Solving Canada’s housing crisis shouldn’t require more than a single lesson in economics. When prices are high, a free market always responds and supplies more. Yet amidst Canada’s severe problems of housing affordability, this foolproof mechanism is continually...
The last 18 months were the most challenging we’ve seen in almost two decades.
The residential and commercial sectors were also affected—all in the name of making housing affordable.
Rough surf, but righting the ship
City of Vancouver’s vacancy rate increases for first time since 2016. From 0.8% in 2018 to 1.0% in 2019.