Clarity on how and when rent increase notices can be served in BC during the pandemic
By Claire Immega, Partner, Singleton Reynolds
By Claire Immega, Partner, Singleton Reynolds
Joining us on today’s episode is Mark Goodman. Introduced to the podcast by the Canadian Real Estate Forums, he is a principal of Goodman Commercial and publisher of the Goodman Report. Mark has brokered some of the biggest real estate transactions in Vancouver and is regarded as a market leader. Coming from a family of … Continued
Mark Goodman and Cynthia Jagger, publishers of the Goodman Report, are honoured to be featured in The Georgia Straight’s 25th Annual Best of Vancouver.
The Metro Vancouver rental apartment and development site market remains very active! To stay on top of our current listings and 2020 sales activity, please click here. We are here for you! Please feel free to reach out at any time for a no-cost, no-obligation evaluation of your property.
Proposed policy will significantly affect owners in Vancouver’s C2 zones
Concerns are mounting that the delayed 2020 federal budget will include an increase in the capital gains tax on income-producing real estate. We contend that lowering the tax should be considered for owners of multi-family housing.
By Andrey Pavlov, Ph.D., Goodman Report
Why we believe rental housing remains the most steadfast asset class for real estate investors in the “new normal” environment that we are now entering.
The Metro Vancouver rental apartment and development site market remains very active! To stay on top of our current listings and 2020 sales activity, please click here. We are here for you! Please feel free to reach out at any time for a no-cost, no-obligation evaluation of your property.
The lowdown on REITs and other corporate investors. Plus: Proposed strategy would give B.C. housing nonprofits $500 million to boost buying power