History was made last night: Bob Rennie & Michael Geller actually agreed on something (the Catch-22)

What an amazing night with Vancouver’s real estate power players! A very lively and frank discussion ensued on Vancouver’s housing woes hosted by Conversations Live with Stuart McNish.

Last year at this time the headlines were filled with real estate crisis stories. The Province and the Feds were making announcements upon announcements. Bill 44 was introduced with the idea that it would force municipal governments to increase density.

It is legislation that was supposed to increase certainty of supply, stabilize prices and boost construction. But did it work? And, rental, what’s happening?

We invite you you to watch this fact-filled panel that dug into the challenges the real estate sector is facing after more than 60 government announcements designed to create certainty have not.

Goodman Commercial is proud to have sponsored this important event!

Learn more about Conversations Live: https://www.conversationslive.ca/

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