Metrotown High-Density Site
6675 & 6691 Dow Street, Burnaby
SOLD $43,275,000
PriceUnpriced bid process
Lot size~150' x 240' (35,580 SF)
ZoningDesignated RM5s/C2 zoning
Floor space ratio6.3 FSR (3.4 base + 1.6 bonus + 1.3 commercial)
Development potentialup to 224,154 SF
PID003-194-906; 004-718-411
Sale price$43,275,000
Sale date05/20/2018
- The subject property is designated as RM5s/C2 in the Metrotown Downtown Official Community Plan, providing for high-density mixed-use development
- Site totals 35,580 SF with ~150 feet of frontage on Dow Ave and ~240 feet depth (6 metre lane dedication required)
- Total development potential of 5.0 FSR of residential density and 1.3 FSR of commercial density, for a total of 6.3 FSR or 224,154 SF of potential buildable based on gross site size
- Note: of the 5.0 FSR in residential density, 3.4 FSR is base density and the additional 1.6 FR bonus density must be purchased from the City of Burnaby
- Note 2: the additional commercial density of 1.3 FSR depends on the assembly with the corner site on Beresford—if not applicable, the total density would revert to 5.0 FSR (177,900 SF buildable)
- The two lots are currently improved with two rental apartment buildings providing good holding income during the rezoning process: 6675 Dow (23 units) and 6691 Dow (15 units)
The subject property is located on the west side of Dow Avenue in Metrotown, Burnaby, one half block to the Metropolis shopping mall. Convenient access to shopping, Skytrain, bus service and amenities.
Mark Goodman
Personal Real Estate Corporation
(604) 714 4790
Cynthia Jagger
Personal Real Estate Corporation
(604) 912 9018
Goodman Commercial Inc.
560–2608 Granville St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3V3
Mortgage calculator
Mark Goodman
Personal Real Estate Corporation
(604) 714 4790
Cynthia Jagger
Personal Real Estate Corporation
(604) 912 9018
Goodman Commercial Inc.
560–2608 Granville St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3V3